Experienced Rear-End Auto Accident Attorneys
The uncertainty that a car accident can bring to your life is unimaginable until it happens. If you experience a rear-end car accident while traveling along Las Vegas area roads, your finances can quickly suffer under mounting medical bills and missed time from work. At Vegas Valley Injury Law, we have the same goals as you do—to get your life back and begin healing so that this traumatic instance can be put behind you.
Before these goals can be achieved, you may have to undergo extensive medical care and therapy while being unable to work or perform your daily routine. During this period, you can count our experienced rear-end car accident lawyers to help ensure the insurance companies compensate you fairly.
How Las Vegas Rear-End Accidents Happen
Rear-end car accidents are frequently the result of the driver behind you failing to stop his vehicle in order to avoid the collision. In Nevada, drivers must maintain constant control of their motor vehicles and avoid engaging in negligent or distracted behaviors that put other motorists at risk. If they fail in this duty of care and cause an accident, they will be liable for the damages caused.
Circumstances that are the primary causes of rear-end collisions include:
Driving Recklessly
Aggressive driving
Driving under the influence
Distracted driving
Regardless of how minor an accident of this type may be, many additional factors could impact the severity of injuries you sustained. From body weight and height, to whether you were wearing a seatbelt at the time of impact, the injuries you suffer as a result could include:
Muscle strains and sprains
Back and neck injuries
Spinal trauma
Traumatic head injuries
It only takes one of these injury types to cause debilitation and disability that can impact your physical, emotional, and financial well-being. This is why working with the attorneys of Vegas Valley Injury Law is vital to getting you back on the road to recovery and pre-accident condition
How we help you
We will begin your case by investigating the accident scene.
Consult with doctors to identify the care victims will need.
Determine any loss in earnings, and account for pain and suffering endured due to your automobile accident.
Aggressively pursue the total compensation for all your losses including financial, medical, and emotional.

Call (702) 444-5555 No Fee Unless We Win!
How Rear-End Accident Injuries Get Compensated in Las Vegas
One of the first steps in pursuing compensation against the at-fault party is to file an injury claim with their insurance company. Even in cases where the negligence of the other driver involved is apparent, these corporations will still try to minimize the harm you suffered, deflect part or all of the blame onto you, and possibly deny your claim outright.
Nevada is a fault-based state for personal injury cases, where its comparative negligence statutes only allow recovery in instances where one or more of the other individuals were at least 50% responsible for the accident. In situations where you have 50% or more responsibility for your injuries or property damage, you wouldn't be permitted to sue the other party nor earn a recovery for your losses. Along those same lines, your award could get reduced by the percentage of fault you share, so long as that comparative fault is 50% or less. Nevada’s modified comparative negligence laws motivate insurers to manipulate the details and circumstances of your case to minimize any settlement they offer and necessitates the need for a skilled and aggressive local Las Vegas car accident attorney.
Vegas Valley Injury Law Gets You Fair Compensation for Your Rear-End Accident
Car accident experiences are some of the most traumatizing events that a person could endure in their lifetime. Between physical injuries and emotional anguish that often result from these collisions, figuring out how to recover when your everyday responsibilities don't slow down can be overwhelming for you and your family as well. Managing who will look out for your best interests and ensure your loved ones are provided for adds to an already stressful situation.
Lead attorney Garrett Logan of Vegas Valley Injury Law understands the pressure you are under and is available to take on the burden of negotiating with manipulative insurance companies. His years of training and proven successful track record will make it possible for you to focus on recovering from your injuries with the help of a fair compensation award that addresses the scope of your damages.
Depending on the severity of your rear-end accident, you may receive compensation for some or all of the losses below:
Current and future medical expenses
Pain, suffering, and mental anguish
Lost wages
Compensation for diminished work capacity
Loss of consortium
Punitive damages
Funeral and burial expenses
Wrongful death damages
When you choose our firm to protect your rights and pursue the compensation you deserve, you get more than a skilled attorney and team with a demonstrated track record of achieving maximum awards. Our firm makes it our mission to provide high-quality and competent personal injury representation to residents, workers, and visitors in the city of Las Vegas that suffered a rear-end accident caused by the negligent actions of another driver.
Schedule a Free Consultation with Vegas Valley Injury Law Today
Don't let the insurance companies convince you that there is nothing you can do to make them compensate you fairly. Call Vegas Valley Injury Law today at (702) 444-5555, or reach out via our online request form. We offer a free consultation to discuss your case's circumstances and show you how our approach will bring resistant insurers to the negotiating table.
We offer free consultations. We will get back to you within 24 hours.