Experienced Las Vegas Head Injury Lawyers
Head injuries after a car accident or slip and fall are a common occurrence. As it isn't uncommon for the effects of many head injuries to linger for some extended period of time, seeking proper medical treatment quickly after being in an accident is critical.
One of the most important steps you can take to ensure that you get the treatment necessary for your head injury is to consult with a seasoned personal injury attorney. At Vegas Valley Injury Law, our experienced Las Vegas head injury lawyers can assess the damages your injuries have caused you and point you in the right direction of medical providers that can get you on the road to recovery.
Our guidance and representation can ensure that the at-fault party whose negligence has impacted your life is held accountable.

Common Types of Head Injuries in Las Vegas Accidents
The severity of a head injury can vary widely and often depends on the level of trauma you suffered. Symptoms can be mild and only involve headache, disorientation, or nausea; while more severe injuries might leave you debilitated by:
Memory loss
Speech impairment
Loss of motor control
It's crucial that you treat any head injury you sustain seriously, as these can initially appear mild but may turn fatal without warning. Indeed, how the body responds and recovers can vary greatly and so seeking proper treatment is imperative.
When you get your head injury evaluated by a doctor or emergency physician at a hospital, they will try to classify it under one of the four categories below:
Wounds to the scalp, including lacerations and bruising
Concussive injuries from your head being violently shaken or whipped around
Closed head injuries where there is swelling and bruising of the brain
Open head injuries that involve fractures to your skull
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Vegas Valley Injury Law Helps Head Injury Victims Recover Compensation
If you are suffering from a head injury, the seriousness of your injuries has likely affected every aspect of your daily routine. When you couple your recovery with trying to manage growing medical bills related to your care and rehabilitation, you may be overwhelmed with frustration and anger. At Vegas Valley Injury Law, we don't believe victims should have to shoulder this burden alone. Everybody deserves the right to be compensated for a personal injury under Nevada law when they have been wronged by another’s negligence. Our experienced Las Vegas head injury lawyers are here to assist you every step of the way. Our firm takes the time to understand your injuries and the impact they have had on your life. We are determined to zealously pursue all avenues of relief under the law until you or your loved one is compensated for the trauma inflicted.
Below are just some of the compensatory damages we can help you recover from the negligent party responsible for your head injury:
Lost Wages
Current and Future Medical Expenses
Pain and Suffering
Diminished Work Capacity
Loss of Consortium
Wrongful Death
Dismemberment and Disfigurement
Property Damage
At Vegas Valley Injury Law, your claim is about more than just compensation but also helping you return to pre-accident conditions.
Why Choose Vegas Valley Injury Law to Represent You?
Our lead personal injury attorney Garrett Logan has spent years helping residents of Las Vegas navigate complex accident situations that lead to devastating head injuries, including:
Car accidents
Drunk driving collisions
Boat-related crashed
Pool accidents
Hit and Runs
Truck accidents
Motorcycle accidents
Bicycle crashes
Pedestrian accidents
And more!
At Vegas Valley Injury Law, we make sure you get the compensation you need while assisting in your return to pre-accident conditions.
Schedule a Free Initial Consultation with Our Head Injury Attorney Today
If you or a loved one has experienced a head injury and needs help getting the negligent party to take responsibility for the pain they have caused, contact Vegas Valley Injury Law today at (702) 444-5555, or reach out via our online request form. We offer a free consultation to discuss your case's circumstances and advise you on the best steps to protect your right to compensation under Nevada state law.
We offer free consultations. We will get back to you within 24 hours.